Tuesday, November 6, 2012

'Come back

'Come back! come back!' screamed Polly.
'Elsie is not at the gate. Don S. D. M. F. H. N. is there with a team loaded down with things. Isn't it from Mrs. Howard, Aunt Truth?'
'Yes, it is. Written this morning from Tacitas Rancho. Why, how is this? Let me see!'

TACITAS RANCHO, Monday morning.
Dear Truth,--You will be surprised to receive a letter from me, written from Tacitas,fake chanel bags. But here we are, Elsie and I; and, what is better, we are on our way to you.
('I knew it!' exclaimed the girls.)
Elsie has been growing steadily better for three weeks. The fever seems to have disappeared entirely, and the troublesome cough is so much lessened that she sleeps all night without waking. The doctor says that the camp-life will be the very best thing for her now, and will probably complete her recovery.
('Oh, joy, joy!' cried the girls.)
I need not say how gladly we followed this special prescription of our kind doctor's, nor add that we started at once.
('Oh, Aunt Truth, there is nobody within a mile of the camp; can't I, PLEASE can't I turn one little hand-spring, just one little lady-like one?' pleaded Polly, dancing on one foot and chewing her sun-bonnet string.
'No, dear, you can't! Keep quiet and let me read.')
Elsie would not let me tell you our plans any sooner, lest the old story of a sudden ill turn would keep us at home; and I think very likely that she longed to give the dear boys and girls a surprise.
We arrived at the Burtons' yesterday. Elsie bore the journey exceedingly well, but I would not take any risks, and so we shall not drive over until day after to-morrow morning.
('You needn't have hurried quite so fast, Polly dear.')
I venture to send the tent and its belongings ahead to-day, so that Jack may get everything to rights before we arrive.
The mattress is just the size the girls ordered,jeremy scott adidas 2012; and of course I've told Elsie nothing about the proposed furnishing of her tent.
I am bringing my little China boy with me, for I happen to think that, with the Burtons, we shall be fourteen at table. Gin is not quite a success as a cook, but he can at least wash dishes,cheap jeremy scott adidas wings, wait at table, and help Hop Yet in various ways,cheap chanel bags; while I shall be only too glad to share all your housekeeping cares, if you have not escaped them even in the wilderness.
I shall be so glad to see you again; and oh, Truth, I am so happy, so happy, that, please God, I can keep my child after all! The weary burden of dread is lifted off my heart, and I feel young again. Just think of it! My Elsie will be well and strong once more! It seems too good to be true.

Always your attached friend,

Mrs. Winship's voice quivered as she read the last few words, and Polly and Bell threw themselves into each other's arms and cried for sheer gladness.
'Come, come, dears! I suppose you will make grand preparations, and there is no time to lose. One of you must find somebody to help Philip unload the team. Papa and the boys have gone fishing, and Laura and Margery went with them, I think.' And Mrs. Winship bustled about, literally on hospitable thoughts in-tent.

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