Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Subtle Knife濂ョ鍖曢_164

come to the ground, nor can the others. The place is full of Specters—a hundred or more surrounding the building,cheap foamposites, and more drifting up over the grass. Can't you see them?"
"No! We can't see 'em at all!"
"Already we've lost one witch. We can't risk any more. Can you get down from this building?"
"If we jump off the roof like they done. But how did you find us? And where—"
"Enough now. There's more trouble coming, and bigger. Get down as best you can and then make for the trees."
They climbed over the sill and moved sideways down through the broken tiles to the gutter,http://www.australiachanelbags.com/. It wasn't high, and below it was grass, with a gentle slope away from the building. First Lyra jumped and then Will followed, rolling over and trying to protect his hand, which was bleeding freely again and hurting badly. His sling had come loose and trailed behind him, and as he tried to roll it up, the snow goose landed on the grass at his side.
"Lyra, who is this?" Kaisa said.
"It's Will. He's coming with us—"
"Why are the Specters avoiding you?" The goose daemon was speaking directly to Will.
By this time Will was hardly surprised by anything, and he said, "I don't know. We can't see them. No, wait!" And he stood up, struck by a thought. "Where are they now?" he said. "Where's the nearest one?"
"Ten paces away, down the slope,nike heels," said the daemon. "They don't want to come any closer, that's obvious."
Will took out the knife and looked in that direction, and he heard the daemon hiss with surprise.
But Will couldn't do what he intended, because at the same moment a witch landed her branch on the grass beside him. He was taken aback not so much by her flying as by her astounding gracefulness, the fierce, cold, lovely clarity of her gaze, and by the pale bare limbs, so youthful, and yet so far from being young.
"Your name is Will?" she said.
"Yes, but—"
"Why are the Specters afraid of you?"
"Because of the knife. Where's the nearest one,montblanc ballpoint pen? Tell me! I want to kill it!"
But Lyra came running before the witch could answer.

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