Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Golden Compass榛勯噾缃楃洏_028

r from easy place to live in then."
"But it's my home!"
"It has been your home. But now you need something else."
"Not school. I'm not going to school."
"You need female company, Female guidance."
The word female only suggested female Scholars to Lyra, and she involuntarily made a face. To be exiled from the grandeur of Jordan, the splendor and fame of its scholarship, to a dingy brick-built boardinghouse of a college at the northern end of Oxford, with dowdy female Scholars who smelled of cabbage and mothballs like those two at dinner!
The Master saw her expression, and saw Pantalaimon's polecat eyes flash red.
He said, "But suppose it were Mrs. Coulter?"
Instantly Pantalaimon's fur changed from coarse brown to downy white,foamposites for cheap. Lyra's eyes widened.
"She is by way of being acquainted with Lord Asriel. Your uncle, of course, is very concerned with your welfare, and when Mrs. Coulter heard about you, she offered at once to help. There is no Mr. Coulter, by the way; she is a widow. Her husband died very sadly in an accident some years ago; so you might bear that in mind before you ask."
Lyra nodded eagerly, and said, "And she's really going to...look after me?"
"Would you like that?"
She could hardly sit still. The Master smiled. He smiled so rarely that he was out of practice, and anyone watching (Lyra wasn't in a state to notice) would have said it was a grimace of sadness.
"Well, we had better ask her in to talk about it," he said.
He left the room, and when he came back a minute later with Mrs. Coulter, Lyra was on her feet, too excited to sit. Mrs. Coulter smiled, and her daemon bared his white teeth in a grin of implike pleasure. As she passed her on the way to the armchair, Mrs. Coulter touched Lyra's hair briefly, and Lyra felt a current of warmth flow into her, and blushed.
When the Master had poured some brantwijn for her, Mrs. Coulter said, "So, Lyra, I'm to have an assistant,coach factory outlet canada, am I?"
"Yes," said Lyra simply,link. She would have said yes to anything.
"There's a lot of work I need

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