Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Golden Compass榛勯噾缃楃洏_264

ng it high behind them as he ran. Whatever happened behind now was simply that: behind. Lyra had left it. She felt she was leaving the world altogether, so remote and intent she was, so high they were climbing, so strange and uncanny was the light that bathed them.
"lorek," she said, "will you find Lee Scoresby?"
"Alive or dead, I will find him."
"And if you see Serafina Pekkala..."
"I will tell her what you did."
"Thank you, lorek," she said.
They spoke no more for some time. Lyra felt herself moving into a kind of trance beyond sleep and waking: a state of conscious dreaming, almost, in which she was dreaming that she was being carried by bears to a city in the stars.
She was going to say something about it to lorek Byrnison,foamposites for cheap, when he slowed down and came to a halt.
"The tracks go on," said lorek Byrnison,pink foamposites. "But I cannot."
Lyra jumped down and stood beside him to look. He was standing at the edge of a chasm. Whether it was a crevasse in the ice or a fissure in the rock was hard to say, and made little difference in any case; all that mattered was that it plunged downward into unfathomable gloom.
And the tracks of Lord Asriel's sledge ran to the brink... and on, across a bridge of compacted snow.
This bridge had clearly felt the strain of the sledge's weight, for a crack ran across it close to the other edge of the chasm, and the surface on the near side of the crack had settled down a foot or so. It might support the weight of a child: it would certainly not stand under the weight of an armored bear.
And Lord Asriel's tracks ran on beyond the bridge and further up the mountain. If she went on, it would have to be by herself.
Lyra turned to lorek Byrnison.
"I got to go across," she said. "Thank you for all you done. I don't know what's going to happen when I get to him. We might all die, whether I get to him or not,pink foamposites. But if I come back, I'll come and see you to thank you properly, King lorek Byrnison."
She laid a hand on his head. He let it lie there and nodded gently,cheap foamposites.
"Goodbye, Lyra Silvertongue,"

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