Wednesday, October 10, 2012

coach outlet online Strategies For Educating Your Customers And Future Prospects_13262

Informing and educating your customers on your industry and services will help you to position
yourself as the expert/leader in your industry and is a great subtle way to sell. Research has shown that many customers leave because of perceived indifference. If you develop your existing relationship, not only will existing customers remain, but they will buy more often and refer your business to others.

It is essential you have a communication strategy developed around your customers and the tools you need to implement your strategies.

Bloomtools have developed a system called Bloomtools Ezy Communicator to make communicating with your customer simple and easy. The Bloomtools Ezy Communicator is an all-in-one solution allows you to manage your database of contacts, create and send professional emails, ecards and surveys, send SMS messages, manage events and track the results of all your activities.

Here are some simple ways to use email to educate your customers and prospects:

1. �How to?guides for selling the products or services

A great idea for wholesalers is to keep regularly updating their resellers with tips on selling their
products (this can be done by emailing short tips each week or in longer guides and checklists). This will keep their training up to date and increase their effectiveness in selling the goods, therefore increasing the number of goods they buy off the wholesaler.

2. Educate customers in your area of expertise

Demonstrate your skills and be the expert that you are, by sending articles, �how to?guides and
advice to customers. You can either email out your articles as part of your newsletter, or just send out one article a week ?you will need to test it to find out what you contacts prefer.

For example, a Financial Planner could send customers information on �how to save more money so you can invest more and have a better lifestyle?or �the top 9 tips for investing in stocks? an Accountant could give advice on �how to minimize your time preparing for end of year taxes? and a Dentist could offer an �review of teeth whitening products on the market?or �the best way to teach children how to clean their teeth??the possibilities are endless!

3. Work with alliances to provide advice

Giving your customers good, informative advice from your business alliances on a variety of topics adds value to the services you offer and broadens how you help them. And with your email marketing software, it�s easy and fast to make and doesn�t cost you a cent. For example, a Health and Safety Consultant has an alliance with a Pest Controller and they provide an ebook to their customers on the �top 21 tips for keeping bugs at bay within a working environment?

This, like any education strategy, is extremely effective in building up your relationship with your customers as you are seen to be focused on them and their success, rather than just selling your own products/services. Also it is a �leveraged?way to generate valuable copy as you don�t have to write it all yourself. You may even be able to give your own articles and guides to your alliances for them
to send to their contacts too.

4. Send news updates aligned to your industry

For example, a Mortgage Broker may email or SMS you regular updates on interest rate reviews or a Surf Retailer may send you regular updates on the international competition circuit. The value of this depends on your industry, but if you are up-to-date with everything that�s happening in your industry, you are automatically seen as an expert.

5. Send out a tip for the day, week or month

Again this can be an email or even a short SMS message. It will provide valuable content about your products or services to assist your customers, prospects and alliances and keep your business at the forefront of their minds.

6. Send out an inspirational quote for the day, week or month

It will only take you 5 minutes to create a quick email and it will help to keep you top of mind with your customers. A quick search of the Internet will give you heaps of quotes you can use.

7. Series of welcome letters for new customers

Make customers feel welcome and keep them excited about doing business with you with an automated series of welcome emails. This strategy also helps to minimise any buyer�s remorse they might be feeling. For example, a Weight Loss Clinic sends a welcome letter with important contact details on day one, then in the second week they send a variety of recipes in line with their diet, and from the third week onwards, give their customers a variety of motivational pieces, diet planners, and education as the customer goes through the program with them.

If you use the Bloomtools Ezy Communicator, you can automate this whole process. Simply create the campaigns and schedule them for X days after joining group �New customers?then put all your new customers into the relevant group in your database ?the emails will go out by themselves.

Once you start using the Bloomtools Ezy Communicator system to engage with your contacts you can start to build customer loyalty and ultimately increase sales.


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