Tuesday, October 16, 2012

replica rolex watches The Pure Pitch Method- Faq's_26980

What is perfect pitch?
Basically, perfect pitch, which is also known as absolute pitch is the ability to recognise the pitch of any tone. Here's a quick example ?someone with perfect pitch would be able to name any musical note by ear,nike shox torch 2. If I played a D chord on my guitar, someone with perfect pitch could tell me it was a D chord without looking ?pretty cool huh? Read on for more pure pitch method answers...

Some people say that you can't learn perfect pitch, is this true?
No-one is simply born with perfect pitch, instead it is a skill that is developed. Courses such as the pure pitch method can teach you how to develop the skill quickly,http://www.cheapnikeshoxtorch.com/, whilst other musicians seem to have naturally acquired the skill themselves over time.

Will the Pure Pitch Method work for me?
The great thing about the pure pitch method is that you don't even have to be a musician to use it. Many of the ear training courses that are currently available rely on prior music theory knowledge, but with pure pitch all you need is a little determination and enthusiasm and you will achieve perfect pitch in no time at all.

Will it make me a better musician?
Using the pure pitch method won't automatically make you a better musician, but it will give you skills that will make it much easier to improve as a musician,ugg bailey button triplet 1873 boots. You'll still have to practice, but you'll notice that your playing comes on in leaps and bounds.

What are the benefits?
Imagine if you could just pick up your instrument and play exactly what you heard in your head ?without even thinking about it! How would you like to be able to listen to a passage of music and then be able to play it back ?parrot fashion? With the pure pitch method you could.

Are there any negatives?
There are only two thing I would change about the pure pitch method. Firstly, I would prefer it is the course was also available on CD as well as download. Secondly, as a musician who can read and write music I would have like some of the exercises to have been notated.


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