Tuesday, October 23, 2012

fake rolex watches Watching Tv On Your Mobile Phone!_18930

Those who are addicted to modern technology such as mobile phones as well as not-so-modern technology like television can now have the best of both worlds at their fingertips with the new mobile phone TV. You can now watch all those ads that you hate to watch on your mobile phone as well as keeping up with the latest news, sports and soapies.

Parents will be delighted to know that the boredom of long trips is at an end. Kids can watch their favourite programmes on their mobile phone TV. Not to mention listen to their favourite songs, text their friends and play games. Once they needed several different items to do all these things; now it all comes on the one. They can listen to music, take photos, connect to the Internet and watch TV all with the one product. That saves a lot of packing all the different chargers and working out which batteries belong to which thing. Life has just become a great deal simpler - or has it? The only foreseeable problem would be if they lose it.

And even more exciting, it won't be long before mobile phones can also get digital TV. The bugs are being ironed out of the system right now. As soon as digital coverage is more widespread mobile phone TV that is digital will be the new flavour of the month. So will that make television sets outdated? Not unless they find away to suddenly enlarge the screen for comfortable viewing.

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