Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nike Shox Torch 2   At the evening performance

  At the evening performance, Teddy had an inspiration. He was toobusy, during the first part of the show, to give his idea a practical test, butlater in the evening, while he was awaiting his cue to go on in his clownact, he tried the new plan.
  The lad had purchased half a dozen lemons from the refreshmentstand. One of these he cut in halves, secreting the pieces in a pocket ofhis clown costume; then when the time came he stationed himself in frontof the bandstand where he stood until he had gained the attention ofseveral of the musicians.
  Teddy took out the two pieces of lemon with a great flourish, wentthrough the motions of sprinkling sugar over them, then began suckingfirst one piece, then the other, varying his performance by holding out thelemon invitingly to the players.
  The bass drum player scowled. Teddy's lemon did not affect thebeating of the drum, but as the lad began to make believe that the acidjuice was puckering his lips, some of the musicians showed signs ofuneasiness.
  The Circus Boy observing this, smacked his lips again and again, andindustriously swallowed the juice, though it nearly choked him to do so.
  Very soon some of the players got off the key, their playing grewuneven and in some instances stopped altogether. The leader could notunderstand what the trouble was. He called out angrily to the offendingmusicians, but this seemed only to add to their troubles.
  All at once the big German, who played the bass horn, rose from hisseat and hurled his music rack at the offending Teddy Tucker. Everythingon the bandstand came to a standstill, and the performers in the ringglanced sharply down that way, wondering what could have happened.
  The leader turned and discovered Teddy and his lemons. He wasbeside himself with rage. He understood, now, why his musicians hadfailed. Teddy sucking the lemon had given many of them "thepuckers."It was an old trick, but it worked as well as if it had been brand new.
  The Circus Boy was delighted. The leader experienced no suchsensations. With an angry exclamation, he leaped from the box onwhich he was standing, aiming a blow at Teddy with his baton.
  The boy dodged it and ran laughing out into the ring, for it was nowtime for him to go on in his next act.
  After a minute or two the band once more collected itself and the showwent on, but there were dire threats uttered against Teddy Tucker by theleader and players. The bass drummer grinned appreciatively.
  "I wish I could think of something that would tie up that fellow withthe drum," muttered Teddy, gazing off at the drummer with resentful eyes.
  The band leader had no scruples against carrying tales, andimmediately after the performance he hunted up Mr. Sparling and entereda complaint against the irrepressible Teddy. The result was that Teddywas given a severe lecture by the showman after they got on board theboat that night. Then Phil added a warning.
  "Well, what about yourself?" retorted the lad.
  "Why?""I never stirred up as much roughhouse as you did this morning. Youhad better take some of that advice to yourself."Phil laughed good-naturedly.

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